1) What's your mother's maiden name.
2) Name of your first pet?
3) Put the answers to the above together, and you get your hooker's name.
Tom Capps. (i sound like a male cat on heat, YESS)
4) Now some more serious questions. Favourite..... Colour?
It varies depending on my mood, but generally cherry red.
5) Book?
... the ones that get turned into movies are generally good. (YES i do read the books but it's a way of categorising... I'm lazy.)
6) Tv/Movie?
FRIENDS/SCRUBS/ SEX IN THE CITY give me ultimate pleasure.
I also enjoy GLEE/ 90210/ how I met your mother/ The Big Bang Theory.
I HAVE TO ADMIT I LOVE THE DISNEY CHANNEL (sorry) and also 'Teen Cribs'; seeing how the rich kids live both depresses and enthralls me.
My favourite movies are the good ones. I did not enjoy house of wax... the finger chopping and lip ripping is nicht so gut.
7) Drink?
Nothing beats a nice Double Ristretto Venti Nonfat Organic Chocolate Brownie Frappuccino Extra Hot with Foam and Whipped Cream Upside Down Double Blended. aka. Starbucks coffee. When I grow up I plan to be one of those pretentious laptop owners who sit in Starbucks all day playing pacman (but pretending to do self-important, life-altering things such as essays and articles and business calls).
8) Food?
Mushroom Stroganoff/ Brie/ Camembert/ ORANGES/ Potato croquettes/ breaded mozzarella sticks... oh it's all so very very good.
9) Place?
Big Cities... LANDAN, and, though I've never been, New York. I belong in America.
10) Shop?
OH. WHAT A QUESTION. Well, I adore mod cloth (but I always get there too late and things are sold...), Beyond Retro (they're having a festival chic fashion show AS I SPEAK. God, I wish I could drive), lipsy, Heyday!, and boohoo.com - I do a lot of Internet shopping seen as it generally costs less and can be done on the spur. But I love to do actual shopping too; it seems more personal in a way. In which case I love Topshop, Ark, TK maxx, dotty P's, pulp... and charity shops are always good for a nice bargain (as long as you don't fear looking trampy when someone asks you where you got that dress/ necklace/ top etc). I also love to trawl the Internet looking at the beautiful designer gear that I (SIGH) cannot afford.
11) What's your trademark party trick?
I can lick my elbow. ALTERNATIVELY, I can lie on my front and bring my legs over to touch my toes to my nose... Makes me look like some kind of alien freak and probably damages my spine but the 'gasps' and 'woahs' make me feel special.
12) Ideal future job?
WELL. Ideally I'd travel the world and just work as whatever wherever I was... and pick up and move on whenever I grew bored. But we don't live in an idealistic world so I'll instead be a Barrister in NYC.
13) Visit that ol' urbandictionary.com and type your name in. see what it pukes out, and give us the results.
There are several definitions regarding the name 'Molly'. One involves MDMA, another calls my 10 year old sister a bitch and another speaks of my beauty as 'blinding' (true hilarity). BUT this one made me smile the most:
An intelligent and articulate girl. Molly's are known to be over-achievers who often harbor kinky bedroom habits.
No Molly, you wear the handcuffs this time.
14) Who's your idol?
...this stopped me in my tracks. I harbour adoration for many people (especially Julia Roberts) but I don't think I have an idol. Please feel free to correct me, should you feel that I do IDOLISE someone.
15) Favourite bands?
The King Blues are beautiful; they have a song for every mood I'm in and I love them. 30 seconds to mars (a band with morals... pure adoration), Eminem (who is amazing - whenever I'm upset I just stick this guy on on full and blast the sadness out of me), Nickelback, Lostprophets (NOM), Coldplay, The Calling (absolute beauts), The Used (even though Bert was too busy eating pizza to come see me), Miley Cyrus (but only when she gets it right and doesn't try to be emo/ rock). If it's good I generally like it... music is beautiful and a great way to escape for a while. I especially love unknown artists, because I feel as though they're mine... plus their songs don't get overplayed and ruined.
16) Favourite songs?
This is war - 30 seconds to mars
Photograph - Nickelback
Many the miles - Sara Bareilles
I Got Love - The King Blues
Not Afraid - Eminem
Airplanes (part 2) ft Hayley William and Eminiem - B.o.B
All the pretty girls - F.U.N
17) What are you wearing.... right now. And what you'd prefer to be wearing.
Denim hotpants, tan tights ( I burn if I don't wear them... FML), light blue cami, black cardigan, my y-not festival band, my beautiful necklace and my bracelet. I would LOVE to be wearing leather shorts, a cami and an army style jacket, as styled by Balmain (see photo below, though I would dress with less breastiness and minus the jacket-tail). Unfortunately this would cost me about £7000 (no joke, the shorts cost £2070), or at least for the right stuff. Nor am I 'fierce' enough. I shall instead make do with looking like a tramp.

18) A video
So, before you watch this you should probably be aware that it is based on a quote from the BNP-esq Pat Robertson (not to be confused with Robert Pattinson LOL) with regards to legalizing gay marriage; basically he inferred that it would lead to sex with ducks. This video is pure genius, and Pro-Gay marriage; I'd definitely advise you to look Garfunkel and Oates up (I also enjoy 'pregnant women are smug')
19) A photo.
I love this photo... watch why.

20) Some people you wanna give fame:
'Giving fame' is time consuming; I'm lazy. SO stray your eyes across to that leeeeeeeeeeetle box labelled 'Beautiful People'; they deserve it.
21) Go on wikipedia and click "random article". The title of that will be the title of this post.
I have slightly interpreted this so it is in fitting with my 'uge' (usual posting, ie. a quote)
GARFUNKEL AND OATS!!! they're the best thing since anything ever. and yayyyy my quiz sure is getting around. LAVES XX
ReplyDeleteyou forgot that I AM YOUR IDOL.
ReplyDeleteand that you want to give fame to ME.
hahah love you x